Hey! Thanks so much for giving my Post to Google My Business plugin for WordPress a try! Koen here, the developer of the plugin. I’ve created a short video for you to give you a head start (see above, or click here to view it on YouTube). I’ll show you how to connect your Google account to the plugin and how to generate your first post using the auto-post feature.


Connecting your Google account to the plugin

To connect your Google account, go to the Post to GMB > Settings section and open the Google Settings tab.

Press Connect to Google My Business to initiate the authentication. You’ll be taken a page on Google where you can select your Google account. Select the account that contains the location you want to associate with the website and press Allow.

Selecting your GMB location

After authorizing your Google account you’ll be able to select a default location. This is the location that your posts will be published to. Select the location you want to use and press Save Changes.

You’re now ready to create posts using the plugin!

Using the auto-post feature to create a GMB post

Create a new WordPress post or open one of your existing ones. Turn on the Auto-post to GMB toggle:

Next, Publish or Update the WordPress post. A new GMB post will be generated from your post content & featured image. Scroll down to the Post to Google My Business section and you’ll notice a new item has been added:

Click List created posts to see the if the post was successfully published, and if so, you can press View on Google to view it live on Google!

Wrapping up

You can keep the newly published GMB post if you want, or delete it again. Deleting the post within the plugin will also delete it from your GMB listing, so this gives you some opportunity to play around with the settings. If you don’t like the look of the generated post, simply get rid of it, change the auto-post template and start over!

The auto-post template can be adjusted to suit your needs. Here’s a guide on how you can do that!

If you have any questions, feel free to drop them in the comments below!

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